《spring cloud netflix》翻译邀请
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spring cloud netflix官方地址:http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-netflix/1.3.4.RELEASE/
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- 运行
git remote add netflix [email protected]:shinley/spring-cloud-netfilix.git
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git pull netflix master
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git push origin master
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pull request
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Service Discovery: Eureka Clients
How to Include Eureka Client
Registering with Eureka
Authenticating with the Eureka Server
Status Page and Health Indicator
Registering a Secure Application
Eureka’s Health Checks
Eureka Metadata for Instances and Clients
Using the EurekaClient
Alternatives to the native Netflix EurekaClient
Why is it so Slow to Register a Service?
Service Discovery: Eureka Server
How to Include Eureka Server
How to Run a Eureka Server
High Availability, Zones and Regions
Standalone Mode
Peer Awareness
Prefer IP Address
Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients
How to Include Hystrix
Propagating the Security Context or using Spring Scopes
Health Indicator
Hystrix Metrics Stream
Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Dashboard](netflix/circuit-breaker-hystrix-dashboard.md)
How to Include Hystrix Dashboard
Turbine Stream
Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon
How to Include Ribbon
Customizing the Ribbon Client
Customizing the Ribbon Client using properties
Using Ribbon with Eureka
Example: How to Use Ribbon Without Eureka
Example: Disable Eureka use in Ribbon
Using the Ribbon API Directly
Caching of Ribbon Configuration
Declarative REST Client: Feign
How to Include Feign
Overriding Feign Defaults
Creating Feign Clients Manually
Feign Hystrix Support
Feign Hystrix Fallbacks
Feign and @Primary
Feign Inheritance Support
Feign request/response compression
Feign logging
External Configuration: Archaius
How to Include Zuul
Embedded Zuul Reverse Proxy
Zuul Http Client
Cookies and Sensitive Headers
Ignored Headers
he Routes Endpoint
Strangulation Patterns and Local Forwards
Uploading Files through Zuul
Query String Encoding
Plain Embedded Zuul
Disable Zuul Filters
Providing Hystrix Fallbacks For Routes
The Zuul Servlet
Zuul RequestContext
Custom Zuul Filter examples
How to Write a Pre Filter
How to Write a Route Filter
How to Write a Post Filter
How Zuul Errors Work
Zuul Eager Application Context Loading
Polyglot support with Sidecar
RxJava with Spring MVC
Metrics: Spectator, Servo, and Atlas
Dimensional vs. Hierarchical Metrics
Default Metrics Collection
Spectator Counter
Spectator Timer
Spectator Gauge
Spectator Distribution Summaries
Metrics Collection: Servo
Creating Servo Monitors
Global tags
Using Atlas
Retrying Failed Requests